Intisoft Commerce Technology Lab, a business unit of Intisoft Asia
Limited, is a leading developer of Internet software technologies
and focus on the collaborative e-business arena. Since 1998, many
Internet and traditional businesses have relied on us to establish
their online presence in the Internet marketplace. We provide our
clients best-in class Internet technologies, complemented by strategic
consultation, implementation expertise, program tracking and measurement.
For helping clients to increase their competitive advantage, Intisoft
provide powerful and flexible e-business solutions with standard-based
XML technology. Our professional services also brings all customers
successful through the design, development and implementation of
each unique enterprise solution.
We focus on producing state-of-the-art Internet software technologies
for businesses that are looking to leverage the Internet to drive
new revenue stream, to enhance communication effectiveness, and
to operate more efficiently using the new channels. Our innovative
products combine with strategic partnerships and training programs
to help the businesses of today evolve into the leading e-businesses
of tomorrow.
Our clientele includes financial institutions, retail chains,
manufacturers, non-profit organizations, government departments,
portals, application service providers, publishers, e-Marketplaces.