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International Partners

Working with industry-leading global partners, Intisoft provides powerful and flexible e-business solutions to facilitate the way companies share information with employees, partners, suppliers, and customers collaboratively.
Sybase Inc.
With headquarters in Emeryville, CA, Sybase Inc. is one of the largest global independent software companies supplying enterprise solutions, mobile and embedded databases, Internet tools, and enterprise integration products and services to organizations around the world. Together with Sybase, Intisoft delivers the most reliable yet cost-effective e-commerce and m-commerce solutions based upon its W8 commerce components and the flagship database solutions from Sybase.
Compaq Computer Corporation
Compaq Computer Corporation is the largest supplier of computing systems in the world. Compaq designs, develops, manufactures, and markets hardware, software, solutions, and services, including industry-leading enterprise computing solutions, fault-tolerant business-critical solutions, and communications products, commercial desktop and portable products, and consumer PCs. Together with Intisoft, it can provide the extensive solutions and architectures to all customers in different industries.
First Ecom
A global provider of electronic payment processing, First Ecom provides secure, easy-to-implement, low-cost, online payment processing services to banks and their merchants worldwide. By leveraging Intisoft's expertise in industrial strength secure e-transactions, the partnership allows online merchants to employ First Ecom's Internet payment gateway services to process credit card transactions in multiple currencies safely and reliably.
Verisign/Thawte Certification
Verisign/Thawte is the largest Certificate Authority (CA) in the world, capturing majority of the digital certificate and PKI service market. Since becoming the sole representative of Thawte Certification in the greater China region in 1997, Intisoft has been working closely with Thawte before and after its acquisition by Verisign to penetrate the Chinese market. Utilizing its technological competence and superb development skills, Intisoft has assisted Thawte to localize its PKI products, as well as to build up a market share from scratch to over 50% of the SSL certificate market in Hong Kong. Today, Verisign/Thawte is by far the most important Internet Trust provider in the region and serves almost all web ventures that are involved in secure transactions.
Pacific Supernet Ltd.
Founded in 1993 by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Research & Development Corporation, Hong Kong Supernet has grown into one of the largest and most reliable Internet Service Providers (ISP) in Hong Kong. Now a member of Pacific Internet Ltd. after the acquisition in 1996 by Pacific Media Group and Bertelsmann, Pacific Supernet has expanded to become a regional ISP offering a full range of Internet related services. Through a strategic partnership with Pacific Supernet, Intisoft's W8 technology powers many interactive e-commerce sites of the customers of Pacific Supernet today.
Planet Payment
Planet Payment is a leading e-commerce aggregator, providing Internet payment solutions for e-businesses - globally - in nearly any currency. Planet Payment features multi-currency credit card accounts and value-added products and services. Intisoft affiliating with Planet Payment's e-commerce payment processing solution is unique. With Planet Payment, there is no need for a merchant to form a foreign company or open a foreign bank account anywhere outside of its home country.
Asian Solutions Centre
Asian Solutions Center (ASC) is the first solutions centre of its kind ever established in Asia Pacific. The goal is to showcase the best packaged and custom-built solutions by attracting and then enabling local and regional Asian system integrators to offer and tailor their front-end applications to Sybase technology. The Hong Kong facility will showcase IT and enterprise-portal solutions for the finance, telecommunications, and healthcare industries, and the Kowloon facility will emphasize solutions in manufacturing, e-Commerce, and mobile and embedded computing. Intisoft is one of their solution provider partners, the cooperation with ASC demonstrated that our professional services will collaborate with businesses and partners to design information technology systems to perfectly match each enterprise's objectives.

Software AG
Software AG is Europe's largest system software provider and a major global player offering cutting-edge technology for data management and e-business. Since 1998 the company has focused its development activities on XML products for the Internet. Software AG's products control the central IT processes of thousands of renowned companies worldwide. Software AG and Intisoft's strategic partnership involves the companies integrating Tamino native-XML database with Xentric XML Server. Both products can support legacy systems and application that allowing enterprises to establish comprehensive and influential e-business platforms in native-XML architecture.

Fujitsu Hong Kong Limited
Fujitsu Hong Kong Limited, a well-established supplier of IT products and services in China and Hong Kong. It offers a full range of products from supercomputers and corporate systems to notebook computers and peripherals. It also provides services including systems integration, professional services, managed services, software services, training services and multi-vendor desktop services.

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