Schema Repository
Extensible Markup Language - XML
Electronics & Telecommunications
- vCard Electronic Business Card
This defines an XML DTD that corresponds to the vCard, electronic business card format and provides equivalent functionality to the standard format defined by VCARD.
- Customer Identity / Name and Address Markup Language (CIML, NAML)
NAML is specific for name and address data management which is a crucial entity of customer information/data. CIML deals with customer data in general involving name and address plus other customer centric data.
- iCalendar XML DTD
The XML DTD corresponds to the iCalendar, calendaring and scheduling core object format defined by RFC 2445. This DTD provides equivalent functionality to the standard format defined by RFC 2445.
- Telecommunications Interchange Markup (TCIF/IPI)
The TIM DTD is a specification for describing the structure of telecommunications and other technical documents based largely on early versions of the DocBook DTD developed by the Davenport Group.
- Product Definition Exchange (PDX)
The PDX standard is based on XML which provides a simple yet powerful and flexible way to encode structured data into a format that is both human and machine-readable.
- XML and Electronic Design Automation (EDA)
The EDA XML Connector provides a versatile and scalable solution for integrating XML client applications with legacy data and transaction systems.
- Call Processing Language (CPL)
The CPL is powerful enough to describe a large number of services and features, but it is limited in power so that it can run safely in Internet telephony servers. It is also designed to be easily created and edited by graphical tools.
- Call Policy Markup Language (CPML)
CPML opens the telecommunications network to basic IP tools that brings order to its complexity and empowers carriers, and ultimately customers, to control, customize, and extend the functionality and usefulness of the telecommunications network.
- VoiceXML Forum (Voice Extensible Markup Language Forum)
The VXML Forum aims to drive the market for voice- and phone-enabled Internet access by promoting a standard specification for VXML, a computer language used to create Web content.
- Java Speech Markup Language (JSML/JSpeech)
JSML defines elements that describe the structure of a document, provide pronunciations of words and phrases, indicate phrasing, emphasis, pitch and speaking rate, and control other important speech characteristics.
- SpeechML
SpeechML could be used to enable conversational access from a car, a telephone, a PDA, or a desktop PC, to information sources and applications anywhere on the Internet.(http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/aw.nsf/frame?ReadForm&/ awap.nsf/presstype/834EDE721FF3B59A88256723006F7085)
- TalkML
TalkML is developing a voice browser to test out ideas for using context free grammars for more flexible voice interaction dialogs.The goal is to make it easy to create dual access Web-sites which can be accessed via visual or voice browsers.
- Open Settlement Protocol (OSP) - ETSI/TIPHON
The TIPHON project objective is "to support the market for voice communication and related voiceband communication (such asfacsimile) between users.
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