Schema Repository
Extensible Markup Language - XML
Information Technologies
- Open Content Syndication (OCS)
Open Content Syndication (OCS) is an application of XML. The OCS Directory format is designed to enable channel listings to be constructed for use by portal sites, client based headline software and other similar applications.
- Portable Site Information (PSI)
Portable Site Information is a language for creating websites that are portable between different web content platforms.
- XLF (Extensible Log Format) Initiative
XML based format for log data that is intended to make log information smarter, and easier to work with than ever before. A brief analysis of the need for XLF follows.
- Materials Property Data Markup Language (MatML)
The MatML effort is addressing the problems of interpretation and interoperability through the development of an XML for materials data that will permit the storage, transmission, and processing of materials distributed via the World Wide Web.
- The Australia New Zealand Land Information Council (ANZLIC) - Metadata
Correct inconsistencies and deficiencies in the current core elements. Describe elements that have been subsequently defined but are not included in the guidelines.
- Medlane XMLMARC Experiment - MARC to XML
XMLMARC was designed to accommodate changes in MARC and mapping decisions without the need for reprogramming. The program reads MARC records and converts them to an XML format utilizing a map.
- Open Archives Metadata Set (OAMS)
It makes easy-to-implement technical recommendations for archives that will allow data from e-print archives to become widely available via its inclusion in a variety of end-user services such as search engines, recommendation services and systems for interlinking documents.
- ParlML: A Common Vocabulary for Parliamentary Language
The purpose of the public call for expressions of interest is to assess the level of interest in, and possible support for, the creation of a specific markup language for legislative and parliamentary work.
- XML Mail Transport Protocol (XMTP)
The XMTP is a mapping of MIME/SMTP to XML. MIME is the lingua franca of the Web. As XML gains in popularity it is useful to be able to represent MIME messages as XML documents.
- WAP Wireless Markup Language Specification (WML)
The official WML specification is developed and maintained by the WAP Forum. This specification defines the syntax, variables, and elements used in a valid WML file.
- BIOpolymer Markup Language (BIOML)
The goal of BIOML is to provide an extensible framework for this annotation and to provide a common vehicle for exchanging this information between scientists using the World Wide Web.
- Gene Expression Markup Language (GEML)
GEML is a file format for storing DNA microarray and gene expression data and is an open-standard XML format which enables exchange of data between gene expression databases and analysis systems.
- Genome Annotation Markup Elements (GAME)
The goals of GAME are to provide an xml dtd and tools for annotating biosequence 'features'. bioxml:game is part of bioxml's overall goals of providing a group of 'dtd-lets' for molecular biology.
- Virtual Hyperglossary (VHG)
The VHG(TM) is a novel, simple approach to increasing knowledge creation and retrieval on the Web. The VHG uses XML as its basis, it is simple and universally applicable.
- Digital Property Rights Language (DPRL)
DPRL is intended to support commerce in digital works and to support specification of access and use controls for secure digital documents in cases where financial exchange is not part of the terms of use.
- XML for the Automotive Industry - SAE J2008
This standard provides models for common text constructs such as tables, paragraphs, lists, and procedures which are found within automotive service information.
- Spacecraft Markup Language (SML)
SML is an extension of the XML providing the Space Community with a standard definition of XML tags and concepts of structure to allow the definition of spacecraft and other support data objects.
- X-ACT - XML Active Content Technologies Council
X-ACT is an industry council formed to provide a communications venue for corporations working to develop real-world XML-based solutions, increase awareness about Active Content Technologies and their benefits.
- Portal Markup Language (PML)
The objective is to allow portals of the same or of different manufacturers to exchange information about the information objects, users, groups, access controls subscriptions and notifications managed by the system.
- EDGARspace Portal
EDGARspace Portal, demonstrates the potential of this new Web standard by giving investment, financial and research professionals better ways to search for and find information that had been difficult to obtain.
- DII Common Operating Environment (COE) XML Registry
COE is part of the DoD architecture reference model that prescribes a common set of stds for basic functions used across many applications.
- NISO Digital Talking Books (DTB)
NISO Digital Talking Book (DTB) Standard will ensure compatibility among the many systems expected to be developed. The core of the standard will be the file specification, describing how the various functions of a DTB will be coded.
- Re-Useable Data Language (RDL)
RDL is an application of XML. The tags tell Numerator Lite how to interpret the numbers so that it can create different views of the numbers, including charts, TreeViews, and spreadsheets.
- MIX - Mediation of Information Using XML
The goal of the MIX Project is to study, develop, apply and evaluate systems for mediation across heterogeneous information sources. Users and applications will be able to query these view documents using some XML query language.
- Multimodal Presentation Markup Language (MPML)
MPML developed to enable the description of multimodal presentation based on charactor agents in easier way. It allows users to write attractive multimodal presentations easily.
- DIG35: Metadata Standard for Digital Images
An overview of the specification, useful for anyone interested in understanding metadata and the potential uses as well as the basics of the DIG35 Metadata Specification.
- Covad xLink API (XML-Based DSL Provisioning)
Covad xLink is an electronic interface which Covad partners can use to send common business requests such as service prequalification, order entry, and order status tracking.
- WebBroker: Distributed Object Communication on the Web
This document provides a specification (WebBroker document type definitions, or WebBroker DTDs) for describing and exchanging structured messages between software components on the Web.
- Web Interface Definition Language (WIDL)
WIDL consists of six XML-compliant HTML extenders that define a universal schema for HTML documents based on the Document Object Model (DOM) as it is being defined by the World Wide Web Consortium.
- The Information and Content Exchange (ICE) Protocol
The ICE protocol defines the roles and responsibilities of syndicators and subscribers, defines the format and method of content exchange, and provides support for management and control of syndication relationships.
- Commerce XML (cXML)
cXML defines a request/response process for the exchange of transaction information. The contributors to the cXML initiative are focused on achieving reference implementations through creation and rapid iteration of cXML.
- Open Catalog Protocol (OCP)
The Open Catalog Protocol is implemented in MartSoft's IntuiCat. IntuiCat is an Internet ready solution for E-Commerce, including the powerful IntuiCat catalog engine, a XML-capable database, and a Web server.
- eCatalog XML (eCX)
eCX provides a method for electronic catalog interoperability. It is unique because it deals with the difficult problem of dynamic categorization and attributes in electronic catalogs.
- Historical Event Markup and Linking
The Historical Event Markup and Linking project explores XML-related technologies to develop a set of text markup and transformation tools that are useful to historians world-wide.
- Electronic Component Information Exchange (ECIX) and Pinnacles Component Information Standard (PCIS)
The ECIX project is dedicated to designing standards for creation, exchange and use of electronic component information, including ASIC cores. Specifications are QuickData, PCIS, CIDS, and TDML.
- ECIX Component Information Dictionary Standard (CIDS)
The aim is to provide authors and users of component information with a computer sensible dictionary of characteristic properties of components, allow a common understanding of those characteristics.
- Timing Diagram Markup Language (TDML)
TDML is an open industry-standard language for the exchange of interactive timing diagrams for digital systems. It is based on the XML, which has been hailed as the "next generation" HTML for the Internet.
- XML Data Binding Specification
The proposed specification will define an XML data-binding facility for the Java Platform. They ensure that the constraints expressed in the schema are maintained as instances of the classes are manipulated.(http://java.sun.com/aboutJava/communityprocess/ jsr/jsr_031_xmld.html)
- Translation Memory eXchange
TMX is designed to allow easier exchange of translation memory data between tools and/or translation vendors with little or no loss of critical data during the process.
- Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) Project
The P3P enables Web sites to express their privacy practices in a standard format that can be retrieved automatically and interpreted easily by user agents.
- Document Encoding and Structuring Specification for Electronic Recipe Transfer (DESSERT)
DESSERT is a format for representing recipes on computer. is written in the Extensible Markup Language (XML). It allows authors to compose recipes without having to know the format.
- NuDoc Technology (Bitstream Inc.)
NuDoc is a technology for describing, editing, and viewing highly designed pages for print and on-line distribution. A document object is made of style, content, and page layout sub-objects.(http://www.bitstream.com/categories/news/press/ 1996_bitstream/0910nudoc.html)
- Coins: Tightly Coupled JavaBeans and XML Elements
A new programming paradigm called Coins is gaining momentum with developers as a way to deliver JavaBeans using the Extensible Markup Language (XML) without the need for Java serialization.
- DMTF Common Information Model (CIM)
DMTF is a conceptual information model for describing management that is not bound to a particular implementation. This allows for the interchange of management information between management systems and applications.
- (XML) Topic Maps
The Topic Map Standard provides a standardized notation for interchangeably representing information about the structure of information resources used to define topics, and the relationships between topics.
- DARPA Agent Mark Up Language (DAML)
The goal of the DAML program is to create technologies that will enable software agents to dynamically identify and understand information sources, and to provide interoperability between agents in a semantic manner.
- Relational-Functional Markup Language (RFML)
The Relational-Functional Markup Language (RFML) is an XML application for Relfun-style declarative programming and knowledge representation.
- Ontology and Conceptual Knowledge Markup Languages
The full Standard OML is regarded as the most expressive and natural; Abbreviated OML is for interoperability with the conceptual graphs standard CGIF...
- Simple HTML Ontology Extensions (SHOE)
SHOE is an SGML/XML 'HTML-based' knowledge representation language -- a superset of HTML which adds the tags necessary to embed arbitrary semantic data into web pages.
- XOL - XML-Based Ontology Exchange Language
XOL is intended to be used as an intermediate language for transferring ontologies among different database systems, ontology-development tools, or application programs.
- Case Based Markup Language (CBML)
The strength of CBR in this area stems from its reuse of the knowledge base associated with a particular application, thus providing an ideal way to make personalised configuration or technical information available to the Internet user.
- Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML)
AIML is an XML language, implying that it obeys certain grammatical meta-rules. It is an example of using the XML standard to define a specialized language for artificial intelligence.
- Procedural Markup Language (PML)
PML allows the content designer to encode domain knowledge in an intuitive and flexible manner by specifying the knowledge structures, and the relationship between them using cognitive media roles.
- QAML - The Q&A Markup Language
The purpose of QAML is to provide a more specific format for documents dealing with questions and answers. It will be possible to implement QAML without having to worry about when XML browsers are commonplace.
- Linguistic Data Archiving Project
The goals of the LACITO linguistic data archiving project are the conservation and the distribution of speech data. Some of the transcriptions have never been published or properly archived.
- Extensible Data Format (XDF)
XDF is a common scientific data format based on general mathematical principles, object models, and XML that can be used throughout the scientific disciplines.
- Extensible Scientific Interchange Language (XSIL)
XSIL is a flexible, hierarchical, extensible, transport language for scientific data objects. The object may be represented in the file, or there may be metadata in the XSIL file, with a powerful, fault-tolerant linking mechanism to external data.
- Object Oriented Data Technology (OODT) and XML
OODT is using XML technology to manage metadata that describes data system contents in a repository in which are made available over the Internet using CORBA technology to share the information.
- Astronomical Markup Language
AML aimed at being a standard exchange format for metadata in astronomy. The intelligent agents can use AML with an XML parser while a browser for AML documents will be used to create an associated user interface.
- Physics Markup Language (PhysicsML)
The capabilities of XML point to several possible applications for physics: Standard data formats: define a set of standard XML formats for physics data; also be able to define XML templates for non-XML data.
- Notes Flat File Format (NFF)
NFF is an XML based interchange format for the Lotus Notes/Domino platform. The NFF DTD supports the majority of the constructs that can occur in Lotus Notes data.
- Java Help API
Java Help API is an all-Java 'über alles' help system for JavaBean components, applications, desktops, and HTML pages.
- Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML)
Cold Fusion is a general-purpose Web development system for rapidly building Web applications that integrate browser, server and database technologies.
- DAV Searching and Locating (DASL)
The goal of the DASL working group is to define and develop an extensible DAV Searching and Locating protocol as an application of HTTP.
- XML for Workflow Management [NIST]
The objective of this NIST-sponsored project is to "explore the use of XML, a standard for structured document interchange on the Web, for exchanging complex data objects between tasks in a distributed workflow application.
- Broadcast Hypertext Markup Language (BHTML)
The bHTML proposal uses style sheets to specify temporal behaviors. Specifically, this working paper proposes transition effect properties and media synchronization properties.
- Directory Services Markup Language (DSML)
The intention of the working group is to establish it as an open standard, so that developers and vendors will be able to adopt it into their systems. DSML helps XML-based applications make better use of directories.
- DIF Directory Interoperability Proposal
The DIF "Authentication Service Provider Working Group" will produce a schema and reference document "Directory Interoperability Proposal for XML Directory Enabled Service Provider Application Framework."
- WDDX - Web Distributed Data Exchange
WDDX is an XML vocabulary for describing complex data structures such as arrays, associative arrays, and record sets in a generic fashion so they can be moved between different application server platforms.
- XIOP - XML Corba Environment-Specific Inter-ORB Protocol
The XIOP Web-Site (on Sourceforge) was opened to the public 2000-04-02. The development site "is open to discussions on XIOP, an open and freely available Corba EISOP.
It's a spec and a set of implementations that allow software running on disparate operating systems, running in different environments to make procedure calls over the Internet.
- XML for Exchange of Structure and Identification of Management Information (SMI)
The XML format of an SMI module is significantly longer compared to the original SMI definition. This is inline with the design goals for XML, which favours computer readability over terseness.
- XMLTP.Org - XML Transfer Protocol
XMLTP is a proposal to create XMLTP, or XML Transfer Protocol. The definition of such a protocol would allow for the development of standard server and client interactions.
- The XML Bookmark Exchange Language (XBEL)
After debate which ranged far afield from the original idea, compromises were reached which allow XBEL to be a useful language for describing bookmark data for a range of browsers.
- Simple Object Definition Language (SODL) and XMOP Service
The Simple Object Definition Language (SODL) is an XML IDL DTD which allows objects to be described in a fashion compatible with Interface Definition Language (IDL) used in COM and CORBA object systems.
- Bean Markup Language (BML)
The BML language can be used to create new beans, access, and configure beans by setting/getting their properties and fields, bind events from some beans to other beans, and call arbitrary methods in beans.(http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/aw.nsf/frame?ReadForm&/ aw.nsf/techmain/62258CBABEB860F8882566F300703F81)
- The Koala Bean Markup Language (KBML)
KBML is a Java library that enables the serialization of JavaBeans in XML. The Koala project has already provided such a library (KOML) which relies on java serialization to generate the XML.
- Jigsaw XML Format (JigXML)
The W3C Jigsaw Activity statement explains the motivation and future plans in more detail. Jigsaw is an W3C Open Source Project, started May 1996; see the license for details.
- Chinese XML Now!
It is a collection of small XML files for testing XML well-formedness, a Chinese Numberplate" Logo intended to help Chinese users select appropriate XML software, and other resources.
- MOS-X (Media Object Server - XML)
MOS-X is an application of the Extensible Markup Language . Our goal is to develop and implement a common communication protocol that will allow cost-effective integration of diverse NCS and MOS equipment.
- ISO 12083 XML DTDs
The International Standard 12083 presents a reference document type definition which facilitates the authoring, interchange and archiving of a variety of publications.
- Extensible User Interface Language (XUL)
XUL is an XML based grammer for specifying the the static GUI. An Application Service is the code that both has access to the GUI elements and the code for for doing the specificed work.
- User Interface Markup Language (UIML)
UIML allows designers to describe the user interface in generic terms, and then use a style description to map the interface to various operating systems (OSs) and appliances.
- Process Specification Language (PSL) and XML
PSL is an interchange format designed to help exchange process information automatically among a wide variety of manufacturing applications such as process modeling, process planning, etc.
- Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF)
The technology providers and integrators, and schools and school districts, today released its first technical interoperability specifications for K-12 instructional and administrative software.
- Guideline XML (gXML)
Guideline XML is described as a file structure that allows the open exchange of electronic commerce guidelines, otherwise known as EDI Transaction Sets / Messages and Schemas.
- Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML)
Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) is an XML-based language which provides a quick and easy way for companies to define predictive models and share models between compliant vendors' applications.
- Data Documentation Initiative: A Project of the Social Science Community
The DDI is an effort to establish an international criterion and methodology for the content, presentation, transport, and preservation of "metadata" about datasets in the social and behavioral sciences.
CORBA is a widely deployed distributed systems infrastructure that is currently used as an enabling technology for web integration (intranet, internet, and extranet).
- Mind Reading Markup Language (MRML)
MRML is a proprietary extension of the HyperText Markup Language. This document, all MRML tags, and any ideas you come up with while reading this information are the exclusive property of the authors.
- Log Markup Language (LOGML)
Log Markup Language (LOGML) is an XML 1.0 application designed to describe log reports of
web servers.Mining data that has been collected from web server logfiles, is not only useful for studying
customer choices, but also helps in organizing web pages. This is accomplished by knowing which web
pages are most frequently accessed by the web surfers. The structure of a web site is represented as a
web graph -XGMML. In LOGML, we create a new XML vocabulary to structurally express the contents of
the logfile information.
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