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Extensible Markup Language - XML


  1. Open Financial Exchange (OFX)
    Open Financial Exchange is a unified specification for the electronic exchange of financial data between financial institutions, business and consumers via the Internet.

  2. Interactive Financial eXchange (IFX)
    The IFX Specification is intended to provide a foundation upon which the financial services industry can exploit electronic delivery channels to rapidly deliver value added applications.

  3. Investment Research Markup Language (IRML)
    Standardizing and promoting a universal platform for the exchange of information relating to processes and products surrounding the creation, distribution and retrieval of financial research.

  4. Extensible Financial Reporting Markup Language (XFRML)
    Potential XFRML applications include: XFRML for Financial Statements, Authoritative Literature, Assurance Services, General Ledger Transactions, Taxes and Accounting and Business Reports.

  5. Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
    A standards-based method with which users can prepare, publish (in a variety of formats), exchange and analyze financial statements and the information they contain.

  6. Financial Products Markup Language (FpML)
    FpML is a new protocol to enable e-commerce activities in the field of financial derivatives.It is based on XML, the standard meta-language for describing data shared between applications.

  7. FAML DTD for Financial Research Documents
    A broadly accepted XML standard within the financial services industry will ensure that the independent elements included in a research document are structured in a conformant manner across all organizations.

  8. Mortgage Bankers Association of America XML Workgroup
    The goal of the XML Work Group was to produce a pilot XML DTD based on the Automated Underwriting Standard data set and to provide the documentation and support required to ensure uniform and universal implementation of XML by the mortgage industry.

  9. ACORD - XML for the Insurance Industry
    ACORD research points to a need for electronic transmission of large schedules, vehicle fleets, and ocean cargo/inland marine reports as key to all participants in the supply chain, from risk managers to insurers and reinsurers.

  10. iLingo XML Schemas for Insurance
    The benefits of using iLingo XML schemas, including the ability to easily exchange data with vendors; the ability to introduce new products online faster; and the ability to reduce their overall systems maintenance costs.

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